Code of Ethics

Code of Ethics

Released April 5, 2005
Revised on September 18, 2015 and April 26, 2016.

This Code provides parameters, values ​​and guidelines that guide Tecnosonda S / A’s businesses and should be used as a day-to-day work tool. Its content was approved by the Ethics Committee and must be followed by all those who have a relationship with Tecnosonda, including third parties.

Tecnosonda’s MISSION is to be a reference in engineering services to satisfy its customers, providing benefits for its employees, partners and society.

Tecnosonda’s BUSINESS VISION makes it purposeful to offer engineering solutions with efficient methods and with high technical capacity.

This Code of Ethics is not a list of rules, in which it is said what should and should not be done. It’s much more than that. He places the responsibility for doing the right thing in each of us, who are part of Tecnosonda.

A simple list of rules would never be 100% effective, mainly because it is not possible to anticipate each situation we face in our daily lives. So, each of us must be aware of following the
values ​​of this Code, not because a rule prohibits or mandates it to be so, but because it is the right thing to do.

This Code, therefore, provides parameters, values ​​and guidelines. And it brings something even more important: the trust placed in each person who is part of Tecnosonda, to honor these values ​​every day.

The truth is that it is much more complex than that, and in general our choices are not limited to two paths only.

A company needs its results, but above all, it needs to be faithful to its values ​​and care for its reputation. We prefer to lose business than to have to subject ourselves to situations that may characterize acts that are harmful to the public administration.

That is why Tecnosonda prepared this Code of Ethics. So that ethics is not only our way of thinking, but mainly of acting. Thus, we can obtain long-term results with the peace of mind that we have achieved these objectives while respecting our values.

We need you!





Reflection is our best weapon for maintaining a culture of integrity. At any moment, we may face dilemmas that put us in doubt as to which is the best way to go or, even, which way that preserves our values ​​and Tecnosonda’s values.

If in doubt, consult this Code. He is a guide, an advisor, a tool to help each one to always make the best decisions.

However, it is very likely that doubts will still arise. Know that this is normal, and even positive. In this case, seek guidance from your superior or contact the Ethics Committee through the Ombudsman structure, elements that support Tecnosonda’s Integrity Program.

Tecnosonda guarantees that your contact will be kept confidential, that your concern will be dealt with impartially and that no forms of retaliation will be issued to anyone who seeks help in good faith.

“If the dishonest knew the benefits of being honest,
he would be honest at least for dishonesty. “






What is expected of anyone who has a relationship with Tecnosonda is respect for everyone, regardless of color, race, ethnicity, sex, age, regional origin, economic, social, physical or mental condition, political, religious or sexual orientation or for any other condition.

Health and safety

Tecnosonda conducts all of its business and operations in order to protect people and the work environment. Maintain an attitude of preventing security-related risks at all times.

Tecnosonda adopts a zero tolerance policy for the use of alcohol and drugs in the workplace, as this can compromise the safety of everyone.

Sexual Harassment and Moral Embarrassment

Treat everyone with respect and cordiality typical of a professional work environment.

Child Labor or Slavery-Related Work

Tecnosonda does not tolerate the use of child labor or labor similar to slavery in its businesses.

Question any attitude that seems offensive or inappropriate, making it clear that this can negatively interfere with the work environment. Immediately report any situation that involves discrimination, harassment or a violation of the dignity of the workplace.


The conflict of interest occurs when the decision-making is influenced by a personal benefit outside the interests of Tecnosonda. Every person responsible for making decisions cannot be influenced by the possibility of any personal advantage.

The simple appearance that there is a conflict of interest, even if it does not exist, can also be considered harmful and, therefore, should be avoided.

The main element that nullifies any conflict of interest is transparency. One can never fail to report any conflicts of interest, however innocent it may seem.


The offer of gifts and presents to Public Agents is not allowed under any circumstances. In the case of representatives of private companies, this offer should be made in moderation. The sum of items in a calendar year must not exceed R $ 200.00. Exceptional cases in the private sphere must be approved by the Ethics Committee.

For more information, see the Relationship Policy with Public Agents, People, Private Entities and Anti-Corruption.


According to the Office of the Comptroller General of the Union, it is a payment made to public authorities to facilitate or accelerate routine government action or, even, to speed up the execution of administrative activities that do not have a discretionary character, that is, that do not depend on the decision-making power of the public agent. Regardless of the situation or the amount involved, payments for facilitation are strictly prohibited, including in the relationship with private entities.

For more information, see the Policy on Relationship with Public Agents and Anti-Corruption.


Tecnosonda does not make contributions and / or donations to political parties or candidates for elected public office and does not authorize anyone to do so on their behalf.

For more information, see the Relationship Policy with Public Agents, People, Private Entities and Anti-Corruption.


Respect for the community is fundamental for Tecnosonda. We always seek to act in order to improve the quality of life of the people involved in our activities.

The protection of the environment is a constant concern of Tecnosonda, which daily seeks ways to minimize the impact that its businesses may have on nature.


Tecnosonda values ​​objective and transparent communication, valuing a relationship of trust with the press. All information provided must be reliable and true and only authorized persons should establish communications with the press and speak on behalf of Tecnosonda.


It is all non-public information obtained as a result of or through its link with Tecnosonda. Privileged information must be properly protected and kept confidential, and its storage and handling outside the controlled environment is prohibited.


Seek guidance and raise your concerns about potential violations of this Code to your superior if you are comfortable. If you prefer, you can also contact us by e-mail, by letter addressed to Rua da thailand, nº 85, Granjas Rurais Presidente Vargas, CEP: 41230-215, Salvador / BA or by phone ( 71) 3034-7683.


Contacts may be anonymous and investigations will be conducted in strict confidence, professionalism and impartiality. Anyone seeking guidance or reporting a concern in good faith may not suffer any form of retaliation.

Tecnosonda does not tolerate the breach of integrity in its business and will adopt all measures that are within its power to hold responsible and punish, within the limits of the law, everyone involved in acts of this nature.